Act of Power

It's time to do your own Act of Power Ceremony!

In Module 2, we touched on creating an Act of Power Ceremony in your PDF on Seasonal Ceremonies and Shifts.

Now is the time to anchor the work we have done through ritual and ceremony. The Act of Power is a promise you make to yourself and the Universe. You write down what you deeply desire and what you are willing to do in order to bring this desire into reality. When we create death arrows and life arrows, we harness our intention, clarifying what we DO want and what we DON'T want in our lives.

Most people sleep walk through life never knowing what they truly want. This is your chance to do it differently. The Act of Power is an opportunity to be clear and purposeful. Set your arrow on a noble course. It's time to bring these principles into action! I have included a video recording for you of how to do the ceremony and what materials you will need. There is also another handout with the step-by-step actions to make your Act of Power ceremony. As with all things shamanic, what you put into this is what you will get out of it.

You have bravely gone through seven shamanic modules with an open heart and mind. It's time to celebrate YOU as you move forward. Take some time to love yourself for completing this material. This work is not easy!

This video tutorial was the first Instagram Live I ever attempted to do. Working through my resistance to share this work digitally was an act of power in itself! Even though it might not be Summer Solstice when you do your Act of Power, remember that all of these ceremonies and rituals are interchangeable. Do these sacred acts when the timing is right for YOU-not in a linear fashion. YOU are the shaman of your life. Remember to lead your life from your heart and intuition, not from your head.

Here's an added suggestion for the instruction on Life Arrows and Death Arrows. You can also add them to your Shaman Face altar set-up instead of planting them in the ground. Take these suggestions and make them yours. Be creative with all of this and remember to have fun with it!

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