Power Animal Meditation

Why Connect to Your Power Animal?

"Knowing your power animal is essential because the power animal protects you and guides you in your work as a healer and shaman. You can do this meditation with a partner, group or alone. At the end of the journey, blow the spirit of your animal into the palms of your hands, quickly hold your palms and your breath over your navel area, and then dance your animal."-Teachings Around the Sacred Wheel by Lynn V Andrews

I learned to do power animal work through my teacher Kyrah, who studied and apprenticed with Lynn Andrews and Patricia White Buffalo. Lynn was one of the first modern shaman, she did not come from the proper lineage or birthright but she felt called to medicine work anyway. I highly recommend all of Lynn's books and courses. She has a series of shamanic teachings and I love them all. Lynn was ridiculed and touted as the "Beverly Hills Shaman" when she began sharing her work, but there was never anything inauthentic in her message or her purpose work. Everything she shared from her Lakota medicine teachers comes with respect and love.

We have it easier now to present this work. Lynn came from the heart at a time of much resistance. She is a trailblazer. Now, transcending culture and ancestral barriers to be the shaman of our own life just makes sense.


I love Lynn's Medicine Woman book series:


Intro to Spirit Animals Podcast

In this episode, I tell a few of my animal spirit stories. Enjoy!

Power Animal Meditation Script & Reflection.pdf

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