The Modern Shamanic Approach to Life

What kind of Shaman are you here to be? How do you give your medicine to the world?

"Shamanism is an IDEAL of LIFE and "a" road to cultivate our connection with All. It paves a path to create our Reality and to nurture relationships with everyone, everything and everywhere. WHAT is Shamanism? - the Harmony of our Mind-Body-Spirit, networking in conscious union. Shamanism is universal and inclusive of any idea that works to achieve our dreams and goals."-A.L.O.H.A. Ideals of Ascension Shamanism by, Dale Stacy

If you have heard that a true shaman never refers to oneself as a shaman or any other limiting concepts imposed upon the broad category of shamanic principles, I want you to realize that we are stepping into a different kind of reality as we ascend dimensionally and continue to evolve our consciousness. Notice rules, labels and thought forms that have held your spiritual growth back in any way. I cannot recommend the book quoted above enough because it will help you break through your own patterns and associations so that you can expand to be the limitless healer you came here to be.

Think back to one of the very first exercises of this course where you spent some time reflecting on what shamanism means to you and how you feel about being a shaman. Notice your resistance level at this point to claiming and holding your power. Dale Stacy has been and continues to be one of my greatest shamanic teachers when it comes to personal responsibility, empowerment, leadership and sovereignty. Shamans are sovereign beings. There is no person or outside source holding responsibility for the welfare of the shaman. We know "we are the ones we have been waiting for" as the Hopi taught us.

In Dale and Jeanne Stacy's Shamanic Mystery school program, one of the exercises we did is to claim our power and sovereignty by saying this phrase out loud:

My name is ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I serve as a Shaman through these actions: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

I see with Shaman eyes, I hear with Shaman ears, I feel with a Shaman's heart. I AM a Shaman.

My Earth Super Powers are: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Want to get clear on your Earth Super Powers and Cosmic Mission Statement? Worksheets are in Dale's book that will help you get clear. Here's an example of a completed worksheet from Dale's book:

"Service Destiny Perspectives
Cosmic: Who are you? Wholeness expressing Love as a Guide/Guiding
Earth: Why are you on Earth? Shaman of Ascension/A.L.O.H.A. Consciousness
Personal: How are you serving? Earth Super Powers: Teaching, Healing, Protecting"-Dale Stacy

Complete and Continue  