Gemstone Elixirs

"The use of crystals and gemstones has been recorded in almost every ancient civilization as a form of healing and changing consciousness. Gem elixirs integrate and act as an interface between the anatomical and etheric levels of the body. Through physical laws dealing with sympathetic resonance and vibration, gem elixirs can have a profound impact on the physical, emotional and spiritual health of humans, animals and plants."

Making your own Gemstone essences can be so much fun! But if you're not ready yet, check out the variety of vibrational remedies at Pegasus Products if you don't have time to make your own.

If you are in doubt about the safety of a particular gemstone, simply place the stone in a smaller glass bowl. Immerse the small glass container with the gem within the larger bowl of spring water. Here is a list of toxic stones. Stay safe and have fun making your elixirs!

Check out this link for a list of hazardous crystals:

If you wish to charge your elixir with moonlight, you have a five day window to catch the potency of the full moon: two days before, the day of and two days after. Sunshine doesn’t seem to work as well to charge gemstones as it does flower essences, but your experience may differ depending on what stone you are charging, of course. Selenite is an exception to this rule. Selenite (or gypsum) is powered by the Sun. 

Here is a very simple drawing of how to safely make flower and gem essences. My teacher charged her gems in the sunlight all the time so I can't wait to see what magic you will create and if you prefer the power of the sun or the moon or BOTH!

Please note: It is perfectly safe to place a clean, programmed quartz crystal in spring water to energize your water. I highly recommend this as a way to enhance your drinking water!

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