Sixth Level of the Field: The Celestial Body, 6th & 7th Chakra
Sixth Level of the Field: Celestial Body
"The sixth level is the emotional body of the spiritual plane, called the celestial body. It extends about two to two and three quarter feet from the body. It is the level through which we can experience spiritual ecstasy. We can reach it through meditation and many of the other forms of transformation mentioned in this book. When we reach the point of "being" where we know our connection with all the universe, when we see the light and love in everything that exists, then we have raised our consciousness to the sixth level of the aura."-Barbara Brennan in Hands of Light
How do we tap into this shimmering light of unconditional love? The more we focus on loving our present moment and all that comes with it, the more we can activate the sixth level of our field.
The best way I have found to access the sixth level of the field: Meditation, connecting in with stillness and quiet of all that is.