Which healing technique is right for YOU?
Let the Technique and Modality Choose You
I say this a lot when I'm teaching gemstone therapy, plant spirit medicine & flower essence therapy: let your healing allies choose you. I think the same goes for healing techniques and lineages. For instance, I didn't choose the path of shamanism, it chose me.
I relate and resonate to everything in my healing lineage of shamanic healing. It's a part of me and it was always there. I know people who feel the same about their trainings and lineages-whether its Taoist, Tantric, Reiki, Polarity, etc-the most important thing is that the healing path resonates with YOU and feels right to you.
There is not one superior style of technique of healing.
Any practitioner who thinks their particular style of healing is better than another has gotten trapped in the 3-D matrix of comparison and competition. We are drops of water in an ocean of healers, coming together as different waves. There are so many paths you can take that are very effective. This is where it helps you to learn what is your unique healing style and what kind of healer are you? I have a downloadable quiz and article that will help you get clear on your unique healing style and also introduce you to many different types of healing techniques and modalities.
In this module, we explore three types of healing techniques: Reiki, Polarity and Huna. This is just a drop in the bucket compared to all the healing techniques out there for you to choose from; the only reason I am highlighting these techniques is because they are the ones I like the best and the modalities I became proficient at offering and teaching.
What Kind of Healer are YOU?
Trying to figure out which healing modality or path is right for you?
In this module, I am giving you three very different styles of healing work to consider. You have a "buffet" of modalities before you. One form of energy healing is spiritual (Reiki), one modality is practical, clinical and geared toward science (Polarity), and one healing technique is shamanic and nature based (Huna). These are not the only modalities I use, but they are the three I have studied in depth (achieving master level training with Huna and Reiki and training extensively in Polarity, as well).
Other modalities I include in my practice include: Craniosacral therapy, Trager, Healing Touch, Reflexology, Clinical Aromatherapy, Flower Essence Therapy, Color Therapy, Esogetics, Gemstone Therapy, NLP, EFT and so many more.
I have created an online assessment tool and guide to help you figure out what your go-to healing style is.
At this point in the course work, you are probably getting clear if you want to go further and offer healing services to others of if you want to continue to develop your own intuitive abilities.
There are many types of healers and my downloadable resource guide below will give you many options to consider. Enjoy!