Human Design for Healers
Human Design Makes Life Work Better
I didn't make the correlation between our bluetprint/design and how our energy bodies work for many years. The free information available to you through all the resources I will share will save you so much time discerning what kinds of energetic challenges and chakra issues your clients and friends will have. When I do a quick check of someone's HD chart, I save hours of time it would take me to feel my way through their energy field and discern where their strengths and blockages are in the body/aura. I can do this work by myself but having the bodygraph frees me up to get more accomplished in sessions and be even more effective at helping my clients.
Understanding your own design will give you such an edge in every aspect of your life. You will also gain compassion for others as you discover how our auras are meant to operate differently. A really fun thing to do is to check out the gates and channels that you create with your closest friends and regular clients. You will be amazed at the co-creative reasons specific clients are drawn to work with you. Human Design makes you better at everything you do!
Human Design Resources
The podcasts below are very helpful when it comes to understanding your own bodygraph. These are small, digestible amounts of information that you can take in as needed.
*These podcasts provide an overview of each specific design type: Generators, Manifestors, Manifesting Generators, Projectors and Reflectors. I suggest you listen to the description of your own design first and you can find it below.
You will learn what it means to have a defined or open center (or charka) and how your profile numbers affect your learning style.
How to read your chart:
Defined Centers
Undefined Centers
Manifesting Generators
Next Level Space Clearing
Clearing rituals work differently for each person. In Module 1, I gave you an excerpt from my book called Create a Clearing Ritual that Works for You.
The amazing fact about understanding your astrology is that you even have an edge when it comes to clearing techniques and how healing tools are going to work or not work for you specifically. When you know your own "Elemental Recipe", life makes so much more sense.
Taking a quick look at the astroloigcal charts of family members, co-workers, friends and most certainly clients makes everything in life easier and more understandable.
Enjoy the video lecture below from my online shamanism course, Expanding Sacred. This video explains why one person loves sage while another person loves clearing sprays or diffusing essential oils as a ritual.
We are not one-size-fits-all beings and I love how we compliment one another when we know how to utilize contrasting energy & auras.
What kind of aura do you have?
Generators and Manifesting Generators:
These type of individuals make up 70% of the population. They have an open, enveloping aura that draws people to them. Their energy field is ready to create and collaborate. Their strategy is to respond to their environment and to follow their embodied gut instincts. They are the driving force of life on planet earth. The way they use their energy will determine whether they experience frustration or satisfaction.
A personal note on Manifesting Generators:
I do not agree that Manifesting Generators have the same type of aura as Generators. You will see different viewpoints on this topic presented by Human Design Experts. Most of people who study HD in great depth and make a career out of it happen to be Projectors because the Projector is here to learn about others. As a Manifesting Generator myself, my direct experience which has not been taught to me, is that since we are hybrid creatures, our aura is a mix between the Generator and the Manifestor's energy field. This can lead to confusion for us and those around us. Sometimes our energy field behaves in an enveloping, inclusive manner. Other times, our energy field will seal itself off and require alone time for recharging. I strongly suggest you learn from the direct experience of your own aura over any other system of teaching style that has been handed down throughout various energy shifts on the planet. Experience is the best teacher. I follow the strategies for both Generators and Manifestors in order to get the most out of my life.
These people make up 20% of the population. Their aura is focused and absorbing. They easily take on the energy of those they are around. They are here to learn and understand other people. Their strategy is to wait to be invited into someone else's energy or experience. They will experience success or bitterness, depending on how they respond to the energy in their environment.
Manifestors are unusual beings who make up 9% of our population. Their aura is closed and repellant. They are here to have an impact on others and to understand what that means. They work best when they inform others. Manifestors will experience peace or anger, depending on how they use their contained, sealed-off energy. They are not affected by their environment and other people, but they have a profound effect on everyone around them.
Reflectors are rare and make up only 1% of our human population. They have an aura that samples and tastes different types of energy. They reflect the energy they happen to be around. Their strategy is to wait a full moon cycle before making decisions so they can find clarity. If they use their reflective energy correctly, their life will be full of love, adventure and surprises instead of disappointment.
Ok, so I just gave you the traditional teachings on Human Design auras from Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design. His story is really fascinating on how he was downloaded all this information, if you're ever curious to do some research. You can access so much free information on the Jovian Archive site, you can educate yourself for free. This is such a generous collection of wisdom and knowledge. Check it out here:
I do recommend you purchase a Human Design consultation with an experienced practitioner at some point. I work with each client's Human Design body graph in my coaching and remote healing sessions. We can go as deep into your chart as you want to, but here's what I recommend you do on your own journey of self-healing, self-inquiry and self-awareness:
*Download your free body graph/HD chart
*Get one good book to reference gates and channels. I like Chetan Parkyn's book and here it is for free:
*Over time, look up each of the numbers on your chart where you see a black or red line. You can look up your gates and channels and slowly take in information about each attribute and characteristic within your unique chart. I like to listen to Youtube videos or podcasts on each individual channel as if I'm getting clues to hidden treasure. In this way, you can learn at your own pace and in your own learning style.