What is Energy Work & Energy Healing?
"Energy is the real substance behind the appearance of matter and forms."-Dr. Randolph Stone
Polarity Therapy Volumes One and Two. by, Dr. Randolph Stone, D.C., D.O.
What do you need to have in order to do
"Energy Work"?
Five essentials you need to do energy healing:
Breath is the anchor and gateway, the bridge between spirit and form. Breathing is how you ground and connect to the earth. Breathwork opens up your intuitive channels and pathways, connecting you to Source. There is no way to do energy work without the transformative portal of deep breathing.
Set your intention to connect with a certain level of your energy field, chakra center or body part. Intention setting is so important and this is something most people do not know about how our human energy field works. Your energy body will do what you want it to do and will respond immediately to your requests. This powerful secret will change the way you work with your physical organs and tissue, rapidly transforming your body.
I am convinced we were given our imagination as a sophisticated healing tool. Visualizing our physical body and energy field the way we would like to see them sets a new energy imprint (thought pattern) in place and helps guide the mutable layers of energy field to take shape in a specific way.
4-Grounded Presence
You certainly don't have to be grounded to do energy work. I added this one because you will be effective and safe if you are in your body before attempting to work with your own energetic field or someone else's. I encourage you to do energy work with your eyes open if you have trouble staying in your body. Also, a great way to get used to being "IN" your body while connecting with your high sense perception is to meditate standing up. I was so out of my body when I started doing intuitive work. It was easier for me to see energy with my eyes closed because I was using my third eye, lifting up and out in order to see what was going on. This way of working with energy will leave you vulnerable to whatever frequencies happen to be around. I want you to be healthy, safe and stronger while doing this work. We will spend a lot of time on grounding exercises for this reason. Many psychics and intuitives are good at reading energy but they stay sick, broke and vulnerable to their environments. I am passionate about helping sensitive empaths acquire skills & abilities that help them be effective on all levels.
5-Clear Space
Start by clearing your space and body before beginning any energy work practice. Find a clearing ritual that works for you. There are many clearing techniques to choose from so remember, effectiveness is the measure of truth. The clearing ritual that works for you will not necessarily work for someone else. What makes the difference as to WHY one energy clearing technique works for us and why one doesn't? It's all about our unique energy template or blueprint and the recipe of elemental energy we carry. Finding our own unique clearing style is such an intimate and individualized process. Here's an IGTV video I did on why we have to find our own clearing style that works for us: