Dowsing Techniques: How to Use a Pendulum
"All things are composed of energy and the intelligent human mind can direct energy. Energy is impressed upon matter. Energy follows thought. A working relationship with the spirit world is helpful. Use "mental judo" to transform non-beneficial energy into something beneficial."
"Dowsing is a way to measure energy and develop intuition."-Raymon Grace
Dowsing 101 Video and Free Downloadable Dowsing Chart:
The pendulum in the video was handmade for me at the Angor Wat Temple in Cambodia, Siem Reap.
This powerful healing tool worked with me constantly through 2020 to help me clear and harness my intentions. I worked with this tool so much to transmute collective fear that it BROKE and I cried.
This beautiful object is so special and sacred to me, especially because it came from my dear friend and healer, Carrie Hamilton.
But the truth is, this healing tool did exactly what it needed to do and it worked beautifully with me to clear out some major collective grief and pain over the last year.
Healing tools and crystals come into our lives for a while, but please remember they are here to empower us, not make us dependent on any object.
YOU are the most powerful healing tool you will ever have. Read that again.
We only use #crystals #ritualtools and #dowsingtools to remind us of how powerful we really are and to help harness our intention.
Remember that you ARE the medicine. You are the best smudge stick, pendulum and dowsing rod in the world when you tune into your own embodied intuition.
-this is an excerpt about healing tools from my Instagram post @evangelinehemrick
Check out Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness by Itzhak Bentov
The PDF handout above is compliments of my friend and fellow student of Raymon Grace, Alexandra Ross. She made a concise and easy to use list of questions to ask when working with a pendulum.
Dowsing is really all about asking the questions in the right way and being consistent, like shampoo, rinse, repeat. We don't clean our bodies and our homes once and think that will be enough. The same is true for our energy bodies. Our energy field needs constant cleaning so get used to dowsing if you want to see measurable results in all areas of your life.
I want you to have as many resources to strengthen your dowsing abilities as possible, so here's a free mini-course on dowsing from Walt Woods: