Review Questions & Resources
Questions for Review
- What are Koshas?
- How do you determine which level of the field to address when doing energy healing?
- How do the chakras correlate with field levels?
- What is the astral body (Fourth Field Level) like? Is the 4th level structured or unstructured? What does yours look/feel like?
- Based on the medical intuitive technique shown in this module, how can you consciously enter the body and look at the organs?
- When you check in with different areas of your body, how do you see your organs telling the story of your life situations?
- Do you notice you are stronger and more resourced in some chakra areas? What areas/organs hold your strength and which areas need more of your attention?
- What is required to safely work with spirit guides and call in your own healing team?
- How do you call in your guides?
- What is the Hara Line?
- What are the functions of the three points on the Hara Line and how do they affect the chakra system?
- What dimension are you experiencing when working on the Hara level?
- How often is Hara Line healing work recommended?
Dream Course by Toko-pa Turner
Tom Kenyon & the Hathors
Reasons Why Illness Can Manifest.pdf
Hara Line Healing .pdf
Revised Chakra Readings for Pendulum Part 1.pdf