Safe Connection with Spirit Guides
Safety in working with Guides: How to call in your healing team
Any of you who have taken my online course in Shamanism, Expanding Sacred, know that I am an advocate of safe, reliable practices when it comes to working in other dimensions with non-physical beings.
This is the reason we dedicate an entire module in this course to spiritual hygiene, grounding and working from an embodied place of safety IN the body. This work must be done with a strong foundation of safe practices in place before connecting in with spirit guides.
Shaman and author Manda Scott sums this up very well in a transcribed interview I have included in the Shamanism coursework.
"Anything can be a guide. God and spirits are different. Okay, so we're moving into the world of belief systems, and I'm a little wary of belief systems because by definition, they're hard to test. My belief system at the moment, as it stands, and it may change by tomorrow, this is my truth for today, is that anything that exists in the other world that hasn't got a physical body in this reality can become a guide. It's not necessarily wise to take on any guide because a lot of things have their own agendas, and anything in the other reality has spirit form."-Manda Scott
What I take from this statement relates to my own direct experience when it comes to guides. Just because some form of energy wants to be your "guide" doesn't mean they have your best interest at heart. Look for the intention behind the teachings, energy work or what they are asking you to do. Take time to assemble your highest level healing team by asking for the kind of help you desire.
Some individual members of a group who call themselves The Hathors work with me regularly in my sessions and I find no agenda, only help on a higher vibration than I have been able to hold. I could see them long before I knew who they were. It takes time to cultivate a relationship with guides and that's ok-you've got all eternity to grow your relationships with your spiritual helpers. There are many different types of beings like the Hathors who like to assist us in our healing work. They are advanced enough to realize that the further along we get in our spiritual development, the more it helps all races and all beings throughout the multiverse. If you'd like to learn more about the Hathors, check out
Just as Barbara Brennan channels Heyoan and realizes at a certain point that Heyoan is her higher self, I have had a similar experience with meeting someone I believed to be an angel during my near death experience and then realizing many years later that the "angel" I saw is my higher self.
You can never go wrong with asking your higher self/soul to come fully into the healing session and assist your healing work. You will also find that certain healing masters show up sometimes for different reasons during energy work. I am frequently visited by Mikao Usui (founder of Reiki) and Randolph Stone (founder of Polarity) because they are the grandfathers of my healing lineages along with Sejunket, my Native American spirit guide who has been with me since childhood.
Sometimes a fifth level healer or surgeon will show up in session, do their work and leave without ever having even said hello to you. This is normal; I had a medicine man from somewhere in the Amazon show up in my treatment room for several months in 2006. He would point to different areas of the body and direct me what to do in session. I fully believe that he was still Incarnate in a body in the rainforest somewhere and he could project himself out to help where he was needed while meditating. He was just THAT good at what he did. We never formed a relationship or communicated about anything else other than the client of that moment. He was not showing up for me, but I learned a lot through the process. I'm not sure why the visits stopped, but I have learned to trust and be thankful for the help when it shows up from fifth level helpers.