Navigating Levels, Layers and Energy Centers
Every culture has a way of interpreting and teaching about the human energy field and centers. In Eastern philosophy, the "koshas" are considered the energetic layers of your body that surround your soul. These layers correlate to the levels of the human energy field that I am teaching you here.
It's so beautiful that there are cultural references for the human energy field in every ancient civilization and religion. Notice the halos in spiritual artwork of the medieval age.
Are you noticing a pattern with the energy centers and the levels of the field? Each level of the field corresponds with a certain energy center or chakra. This module will give you a strong foundation for doing your own medical intuitive work.
Welcome to Module 4!
If you have made it this far and stuck with the course work, it's about to get REALLY GOOD! One of the most important teachings in this entire course is the Hara Line Healing work that we do at the end of this module. I REALLY want you to get this work and I hope you will work with your Hara Line every single day from this point on.
Supplies for this module: I recommend you get Barbara Brennan's second book, Light Emerging, so you can fully understand how to work on the Hara level and also how to channel your guides.
In this module, we will cover:
*How to do chakra healing work on yourself or someone else
*Medical Intuitive Techniques for checking in with organs and systems
*Checking chakra function with a pendulum
*Fourth Level of the Field: The Astral Body (unstructured)
*Reasons Why Illness Happens
*Fifth Level of the Field: The Etheric Template (structured)
*Level by level, chakra by chakra, the body tells it's stories
*Safely working with Spirit Guides: Calling in Your Healing Team
*Hara Line Anatomy and Hara Healing Techniques in 5-D