Chakra Anatomy
"The chakras are the psychic generators of the auric field. The aura itself is the meeting point between the core patterns generated by the chakras and the influence of the external world."-Anodea Judith, Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System
"There are different interpretations of the chakra system, some with up to twelve energy centers, with additional ones outside the body. Chakras are like layered orbs, and are very multidimensional. Their Western corollary is the endocrine system. According to the teachings of David Dalton, it is best to address trauma in the first three chakras first, before moving on to other issues. The nature of trauma can be multilayered and the work of healing our core wounding in ongoing-it's not like you heal your issue with your ex-parter in your second chakra in one week, and then you're finished. In the cross session of people I see, some common wounds and patterns I observe:
- Lack of connection to Earth and ancestry (First chakra)
- Sexual trauma, poor boundaries/saying no, creative blocks (Second chakra)
- Lack of confidence, inability to trust self, confused sense of self (Third chakra)
- Inability to give or receive love, inability to be vulnerable, inability to connect with inner wisdom (Heart chakra)
- Unable to access one's own voice, fear of one's own power (Throat chakra)
- Intuitive vision blocked (Sixth chakra)
- Disconnected from one's own divinity, guides and angels (Seventh chakra)
-Heidi Smith in The Bloom Book-A Flower Essence Guide to Cosmic Balance