The Sacred Path of the Death Doula and/or Shamanic Minister

Welcome to the Path of Holding Sacred Space

Welcome to the advanced level of training for Death Doulas on the Shamanic Ministry Path of Service.

If you have made it this far, your heart has been called to the ministry aspect of Shamanism after completing my prerequisite course, Expanding Sacred. If you have been grandfathered into this program without completing my shamanism course, I encourage you to go deep with me on the path of shamanic healing. You can sign up for Expanding Sacred at the bottom of this section.

The purpose of the Expanding Sacred course is to familiarize you and help you re-member your connection to every family group of your relations, your family members including plants, planets, animals, stones, ancestors, spirit guides and of course, humans.

If the concept of bringing this heart-centered connection work has spoken to you and ignited a path of service within you, I am here to offer you training and support as a Death Doula and some will go forward into Non-Denominational Shamanic Minister training.

Shamanism is the spiritual path of my heart and I am honored to walk this road with you.

As we discuss in Expanding Sacred, the terms and words we use to define ourselves are very personal to each of us individually. The path of ministry is no different than the process we must go through to define what the words "shaman", "healer" or "coach" mean to us. I could have never imagined I would be called a minister or priestess earlier in my life, but my evolution into ministry was a very natural one and I will share my story with you.

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