Shamanic Coaching Style

Shamanic Practice in Coaching

If you are not already enrolled in my Expanding Sacred Shamanic Living program for shamanic practitioners, I highly recommend you incorporate the training into your coaching and healing practice.

Shamans were the first coaches! Energy healing training and shamanic practice compliment each other and overlap in a beautiful way. This is why I teach both skill sets. You can check out my other course right here on Teachable for more in-depth work on shamanic healing perspectives!

In the meantime, I wanted to share another set of intake questions with you from the best shamanic coach I know, Dale Stacy. I am giving you an excerpt from his shamanic mystery school trainings where he provides foundational questions for a coaching session with a shamanic style. Enjoy my podcast interview with him below.

Sample Preliminary Questions:

  1. What do you think I can help you with?
  2. What is your primary goal in life right now?
  3. What do you want from this session?

Shamanic Perspectives:

  • The world is what you think it is. (Ike/Awareness)

-What beliefs/perspectives/labels define your life?

Shamanic perspective: Most of what we have been taught is arbitrary. With reasoning abilities, we must decide what is true, for us-as adults.

  • There are no limits. (Kala/Freedom)

-Do you have limitations on who you can be or what you can do?

Shamanic perspective: You are only limited by your imagination. You have free will.

  • Energy flows where attention goes. (Makea/Focus)

-Do you spend more time focusing on what you want or don't want?

Shamanic perspective: Intention with physical action brings results.

  • Now is the moment of power. (Manawa/Presence)

-Are you influenced by events of the past? Will things be better in the future?

Shamanic perspective: Life gets no better than right now!

  • To love is to be happy with someone or something. (Aloha/Love)

-Are you "in love"? What would make you happy?

Shamanic perspective: Love what you what you love. Fall back in love with something anytime you want to.

  • All power comes from within. (Mana/Power)

-Do you know what you're capable of doing? What are your strengths?

Shamanic perspective: You have the power to do anything (Now, you have many tools to help your clients find their strengths and super powers from this course).

  • Effectiveness is the measure of truth. (Pono/Effective)

-Are you effective at what you are doing?

Shamanic perspective: Be flexible and take the time to figure out what works for you. Shamans are flexible in every situation in order to BE effective.

Remember in Huna Level 1, we covered the 7 Elements in the Hawaiian Healing Blessing. Now you have a strategy to incorporate Hawaiian shamanic principles into your coaching sessions and energy healing treatments!

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