What is a HEALER?

The words we use only have the power we assign to them.

Here's an exercise to take back your power!

If you haven't already done this helpful little exercise, stop what you're doing right here, right now and get a sheet of paper you can burn or rip to shreds.

Make a list of ALL the words that trigger you. These can be profanity, insults, racial slurs, hate speech, derogatory comments about specific anatomical areas, and surprisingly...if you look deep enough, you will find you may have a resistance to words like: HEALER, SHAMAN, MINISTER, etc. My simple little word that bugged me for years before I uncovered it and worked to transmute it was COACH!

If anyone had ever told me I would be teaching a "Coaching Certification Program", I would have laughed at them because I never resonated with the word COACH. The reason I never used the word even though I took countless coaching trainings and certifications is because I knew some people who called themselves "Life Coaches" who's lives were in shambles and they presented themselves in a fraudulent way on social media. While behind closed doors they were unable to pay their own bills, they were positioning themselves as experts on abundance and prosperity.

I worked closely in a co-teaching role with a coach who was always posting about how great her life was and sometimes within the same hour of one of those posts, she would tell me she was considering taking her own life because she was so miserable. This left a bad taste in my mouth and left a psychological imprint on me about a word that has absolutely no negative or positive connotation whatsoever-words are neutral, we are the ones that infuse them with energy and power.

So, take your time and write down ALL the words that hold power over you. Today is the day that we are going to change that. When you neutralize the effect words can have on you, these vibrations no longer hold power over you and YOU become more effective.

The other reason this exercise will benefit you is because you will be working with clients from all walks of life, carrying all kinds of life experiences in with them. You cannot be effective at holding space for someone to heal if you are triggered and charged by their world view or words. A good practitioner of any kind can only be effective for others if you have done your own internal work. You may need to add to this list as you remember words that are specifically charged for you.

Today is the day you let go of words holding you hostage emotionally. In terms of conscious communication, what someone actually means by a word and what you perceive or translate that word means is one of the biggest blockages to effective energy transmission. If we can get past words and get into the feeling and motive behind what someone is saying, we will understand the person in front of us much better and live a way less reactive experience.

When you have completed your list, turn on some empowering music and destroy that list with high energy! Today is your day to take back your freedom and become a better facilitator for those you serve.

*Fun fact: Want to know the origins of a very controversial word in today's society? Check out this book that explains how an ancient title of respect has become of the most powerful expletives in our times. There's always a reason certain words hold power. Remember, everything is vibration!


What fears are holding you back from totally showing up for yourself AND your clients?

In the very first live portion of our training in Module 1, I asked you to bring your fears and concerns into a sacred, safe portal where we could confront those fears, hold them for each other and transmute them. Since we are at the halfway point in our journey together, I want you to check back in with how you felt and what you shared during that first live session. What was most fearful or concerning to you about taking this course?

Where are you now? Many of you expressed fear of your own power and how to handle that energy properly. In this module, we begin to work with that power, now that you have a solid understanding of how your energy works.

Also at this point in the course, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of continuing to teach yourself your own astrological template. Understanding your own energy blueprint is vitally important to this process we are uncovering here. You cannot effectively coach and guide your clients into self-awareness if you are not playing that observer role for yourself, doing the inner work, calling yourself out on your own BS. To know your own energy design and blueprint is to fully understand where your power lies and where your weaknesses are held that need to be strengthened and honored.

This would be a wonderful time to revisit the section in Module Two on how to study your own Human Design chart. Gate by gate, channel by channel, research yourself like buried treasure. Know your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Be the arrow in your life, not the target.

Here's a wonderful exercise below to download that will give you more clarity on YOUR unique role as a healer. This is our time to move through blockages and overcome obstacles together. Remember in the live class when we sent light to your future self, the one that has completed this training? Now would be a wonderful time to give your future self some appreciation for all the work she has done! Light the path ahead of you and change your future.

What Does It Mean to Be a Healer? True Calling Meditation -2.pdf
Face Your Fears.pdf
What I Love About Being a Healer.pdf
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