Utilize Mercury Retrogrades for Your Healing Business

Make the Most out of Retrogrades

The more tuned in you become to the rhythms and cycles of nature, the easier it gets to know what you need during a retrograde. Some of these three-week periods will be great for your business. If you see more clients during a retrograde due to high demand for energy healing and coaching, make sure you are getting what you need during the amped time for rest and rejuvenation, too. This requires taking anything off your plate that is unnecessary during these temporary periods.

If you are modeling an example of self-care, your clients will notice and pay attention. I typically take one week of the retrograde off from seeing clients and I spend more time in nature. This gives me extra reserves with more juice in my battery for the other two weeks. I can be of service for part of the retrograde and I take really good care of myself the other two weeks.

This is intuitive scheduling at it's finest. As a bonus, I am including the section about planetary cycles from the shamanism course Expanding Sacred again here for you to touch back in and reference. This handout is so important-I don't want you to miss out on these tips for tuning your life to the cycles of nature. Being energetically in-tune is the best thing we can do for our businesses.

Here's an article from my archives for further support during retrograde:


Understanding Your Energy Blueprint_ Stay in Tune with Planetary Cycles-2.pdf
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