Envisioning Your Practice, Defining Success and Writing Your Story
It is time to think differently about your healing business.
This is the point in the course where you are going to get outside your own box and allow yourself to DREAM BIG and think unrestricted thoughts with no limits. I do each of these exercises with you as we go, and I cannot believe how much my vision for my own healing business has changed since I included this exercise in my first book-WOW!
What I'm envisioning for myself just a few years later after writing the exercise below is totally different. This is my hope for you-that you continue to re-envision and revamp your healing practice as you grow yourself. The first thing we will do is determine what success means to you, on your own terms. Here we go breaking down the energy and vibration of words again, very important! Many people hear the word "successful" and they might want to be successful, but what does that actually mean to each individual? My definition and yours will be different and that's the beauty of it!
Once you have clearly defined what success means to you, you can have it. Please don't skip over any of these action steps. This is the accountability part of coaching. Be accountable to yourself, if you want your clients to show up for their own healing process and take responsibility.
Download and print the first PDF below for your action step. Take the time to get clear on what success really means to you. THEN, write your own story about how your ideal healing business looks right now. Remember to write your story:
- Present tense
- Personal
- Positive
Keep this in mind, if you put your heart and soul into these exercises, you are carefully crafting your future.
There's a reason why we call practicing magic casting spells. We spell things to make them come true. Get it? There is so much power in writing down what you want. Utilize the power of putting your desires into form with pen and paper.
"An affirmation is not a denial of your present circumstances, but rather a seed you are planting for your future."-Bernie Seigel, MD
I will be sharing my new story with you in one of our future live classes, since my story continues to evolve and you are a part of my creation. Your homework is to write your story of your new coaching/remote healing business and be as imaginative, clever, detailed and creative as you can be! Notice where your limits are when it comes to what you can dream and push past that limit. Be as specific as possible about the kind of client you want, the amount of money you want to make, the environment you work in and how you FEEL when you are doing your sessions. You will share your story in our live Zoom class.
If this exercise creates resistance or tension in you, congratulations! You are moving through blockages that your clients will need to move through, too. There is so much power in speaking our desires out loud to those who can hold your dreams in a safe container and lift them to the light. You can use my download below from True Calling as a starting point to get you going, but your story doesn't have to look like mine because mine is changing rapidly! Use your pendulum and dowse to help you neutralize creative blocks and fear around this exercise. From this point on, we are going to BRING IT, show up powerfully and hold our dreams up to the light. Let's go!
*You will have at least two weeks to complete this exercise before you are asked to share in the live Zoom coaching segment.