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The Next Level Healer LEVEL 2 Coaching Certification & Mentoring Program
Clarity, Identity and Offerings
What lights you up? Activate Your Soul Purpose! (6:48)
What is a HEALER? (3:40)
What is an Energy-Based COACH? (3:21)
Remote Healing Session How-To's (9:39)
Remote Coaching Session FAQs & Checklist for Session
Reiki, Huna & Chelation Protocols (150:30)
Resources & Links
Visual Inspiration and Review for Module 1
Zoom Session Week 1 (88:30)
Claiming Abundance, Removing Obstacles
Uncovering Imposter Syndrome: Claiming Your Identity (5:04)
Receiving Sessions as Investment & Tuition (6:33)
Create a Well of Support (3:44)
Intuitive Scheduling (10:27)
Your healing practice is an extension of YOU (5:05)
Envisioning Your Practice, Defining Success and Writing Your Story
Links, Handouts and Resources
Zoom Session & Coaching Session Replays (177:49)
Attracting the Clients You Want
ENERGY WORK Takes Your Coaching to Another Level (6:29)
Envisioning Your Ideal Client (5:43)
Calling in Your Clients Energetically
Creativity over Competition (15:10)
Remote Coaching Strategies (108:46)
Utilize Mercury Retrogrades for Your Healing Business (5:24)
Resources, Links and Handouts
Zoom Session & Coaching Replays (84:56)
Prosperity Consciousness for Healers
Perfecting Your Healing Style (3:57)
The Energy of Money=Lower Chakra Health (19:32)
Remote Session Practice Assignment (0:37)
Take Your Next Step with Clarity & Focus (94:09)
Navigating Dark Energy & Depossession Techniques (68:48)
Links, Resources & Suggested Reading for Coaches
Zoom Session & Replays (184:23)
Create a Network of Support, Fine-tune Your Offerings
The Difference Between Hustle and Intuitive Work Flow (10:08)
Create Your Timeline and Action Steps
Align Your Offerings with Heaven and Earth (9:15)
Get Specific with Your Business Offerings (15:43)
Be a Sustainable & Prolific Healer (45:20)
Shamanic Coaching Style
Zoom Replay & Coaching Sessions (177:48)
Create a Healing Practice that Heals YOU
How Will You Offer Your Unique Medicine to the World? (10:52)
Elevate Your Coaching Practice with German New Medicine (30:07)
Success Requires Inspired Action
Take Your Book from Dream to Reality
So You Want a Podcast? Broadcast Your Healing Message (7:03)
Always BE the Client, Stay Improving (115:40)
Grow Your Community, Create a Ministry (6:20)
This is only the beginning!
Zoom Replay & Coaching Sessions (10/16 & 10/23 Training Sessions) (338:31)
New Coaching for a New Earth
Go Deeper Into Your Super Powers (12:34)
It's Time to Niche Down Even Further (17:10)
Social Media as a Healing Tool (11:02)
Replay of Live Zoom Training 10/30 (98:13)
Teach online with
Intuitive Scheduling
How to Schedule Your Work Day .pdf
How to Schedule Your Work Day .pdf
Authenticity & Transparency How much to share with clients? .pdf
Authenticity & Transparency How much to share with clients? .pdf
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